Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reinventing Yourself and Your Blog

I’m sorry I haven’t written for Blogging Tips in the past two weeks. We’ve recently moved to a new location and been getting settled in. We just got our Internet connection hooked up in the past week, now I’m trying to play catch up.

I know a lot of people use their mobile phone for staying in contact and keeping up on the web, and it’s great for that, but for me to write, I have to be sitting at my computer. I simply can’t write an article with my phone’s keyboard.

In my last post I mentioned feeling overwhelmed with blogging. Well, with more than a week away from my blog and the Internet in general, I can’t say I feel overwhelmed but I do feel a bit lost trying to remember where I was exactly.

I’ve had a lot of amazing things happen lately and there comes a time, in fact many times in life, when you should reinvent yourself. Maybe you feel stale and stagnant in the information you’ve been presenting or projects you’ve been working on. If so, it may be time to reinvent yourself and give your blog a fresh new perspective.

Many people fear change, but change is actually good for you (and your readers) and it’s healthy too. Spice up your blog if you can. Do you have a boring subject that only techies find interesting? Try adding something different to your posts; add some humor or change your style of writing up a bit.

If you’ve been alive for very long you know that major corporations do this all the time. They change their logo; give their advertising a fresh new design, add a splash of color to their existing color combo. They do things that are more eye catching and appeals to other potential customers to draw them in. You can do the same thing with your blog. Just like homes need some spring cleaning and a fresh coat of paint once in awhile, a blog can benefit from a new makeover too. But don’t stop there, add some fun stuff to your posts and get the readers more involved.

Have you freshened up your blog recently? Added something exciting that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear your tips on blog makeovers and how you’ve added something new, unique and different for your readers.
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