Sunday, August 15, 2010

Some Good Blogging Rules

One of the most effective ways to get people to notice your blog is to write well. More and more people are expressing their opinions with blogs on the Internet and that means more people are writing today, so there’s a need to revisit some good writing rules that make sure you can express yourself clearly in your blog.
Be Specific

A good writer will always be specific and that means they need to use the right details. Good writers are always asking themselves how something looks, sounds, feels, tastes and smells.

Here’s a good example of specific writing that gives off a great mental image:

Her long bony fingers with the bright red nail polish did not tremble as she picked up her glass.

It’s also a good idea to put the most interesting details in any story near the top. You’ll also want to choose words that illuminate. So you should write:

The accused kissed and hugged each other rather than, The accused were overjoyed.

In case anyone’s wondering, I’m not making any of these rules up as I go along. These are all some of the things that I’ve learned and been taught before. More than likely many of you will know about them already, but if you’re like me it’s good to hear them again so they stay fresh.

It’s also a good idea for you to be clear when you’re writing. That means it’s important to organize a blog before you start it. And once you decide what the very beginning of the blog will be about, the rest of it should flow naturally from that. The beginning of any blog is like the beginning of a news story. The reader should be able to understand from that first sentence or two what the subject matter is all about.

Remember that it’s always important to use the simple words. It’s important that you prefer to use a plain word but you still need to make sure it’s the right word. For example it’s always better to write wicked rather than nefarious and call it an elephant rather than a pachyderm.

It’s always a good idea to keep sentence is short and sweet. In general you should avoid putting more than one thought in a sentence. Sometimes the content rather than the length make a sentence hard to understand.

You also need to be sure to write concisely. Any professionals that you speak to on the matter will tell you that clutter chokes meaning and you should always be on the lookout to simplify what you’re writing about.

So, it’s enough and not sufficient, and try instead of attempt.

Finally you should always try and be imaginative no matter what you’re writing. When you’re planning out your blog, you should always be looking for details that are worth mentioning that add life to it.

Remember to avoid overused phrases when you’re writing a blog as well. People will be more likely to read and enjoy the whole thing when they don’t see a bunch of clichés like breathing easy used.
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