Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Generate Passive Income with WP-Answers

Back in the old days, whenever you had a question, you’d have to make a trip over to the public library, sift through a pile of encyclopedias, and hope you that you find the answer you need. This process was time-consuming and not terribly reliable. It was even worse when your question was largely a matter of opinion rather than hard fact.
These days, our lives are quite a bit easier. If a search engine or Wikipedia doesn’t return the answer we need, we can just as easily turn to somewhere like or Yahoo! Answers and pose the question ourselves. What if you could capitalize on this traffic with a website of your own?
Letting your “turn Wordpress into a cash-generating question and answer website” is WP-Answers. It’s a premium WordPress plugin and theme that helps you “earn cash on auto-pilot.”
They Ask Questions, They Post Answers
One of the best ways to generate passive income with a site is to utilize user-generated content and that’s exactly how a Q&A site works.

When you use WP-Answers, all you have to do is set it up, attract some traffic, and let the online community do the rest. Each question takes on the same properties as a blog post and each answer is like a blog comment.
If you get enough people coming to your site and participating, it really can run on auto-pilot while you make money from the advertisements you place on the site. WP-Answers is pre-built with places for contextual advertising, as well as ad blocks in the sidebar.
Earning Points and Getting Rewards
It’s up to you how you want to best utilize a site powered by WP-Answers, but it does provide the opportunity to reward your community members with points.

These points are tracked automatically and you can define the various values for posing questions, providing answers, and being chosen for providing the best answers. This added incentive can help you attract return visitors, but they all have to register with the site before they can do anything.
You’ll also notice that they can have profile pages and profile pictures, though the integrated utility for the latter is either missing or not obvious enough for the average user. Social networking being what it is, a strong profile page utility would be great for WP-Answers.
What You See Is What You Get
Using WordPress as its core content management system, WP-Answers is actually very easy to use, implement, and customize. After upload and activation, you can change several settings from within the WordPress admin panel.

This includes the ability to import both questions and answers using the Yahoo! Answers API. You can pull this content based on search term, geographic location, frequency, category, and post status. Yes, it’s scraping, but it’ll give your site the appearance of bustling activity (even if it’s not that busy).
WP-Answers is available now with prices starting at $89. After this introductory price expires, it’ll return to the regular price of $149.
Link: WP-Answers
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