Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guest Blogging is Like Helping a Friend Move

Guest Blogging is Like Helping a Friend MoveBear with me on this one. I was helping my good friend move yesterday and in the tedium of moving box after box of their stuff into “the room” made my mind wander. While it was wandering I hit upon guest blogging as akin to helping a friend move. Let me illustrate.
It is not your house
No matter what you think of the house, remember that it is not your house. You do not have to live there but you do have to be a good guest. So, as you are helping a friend move you carry their boxes into the house, put them where they want them to go and just be helpful. Being a helpful friend during a move comes back to you in the end because eventually you are going to have to move too.
So, you might not like the look of the blog you are guest posting for and you probably would do things differently if it was your blog. But it is not your blog and you are there to help move the boxes and put them in the right place. Do a great job guest posting and when it comes back around your friend will give you a great guest post on your blog.
Everyone has weird stuff
When you are moving a friend’s stuff you might see things that you wonder why they would even have. A stuffed alligator head, toothpick collection, or rubber band balls, it doesn’t matter because it means something to your friend. Just move it in for them so they can enjoy it.
When you post a guest post the formatting of the blog you are guesting on might be completely different than your own and it might feel weird to you. Things that you think are a given might not be like formatting of lists where the spacing might be different than you expect or there might be a border automatically added to an image and you wonder why things are done that way. You have to remember my first point about, It is not your house.
So, be a good friend, write a great guest post, don’t disturb the house, don’t stand around grab a box and get going. If you do that when you help out your friends and it will come back around to help you in the end.
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