Monday, November 15, 2010

A Guide on Theater Mode

Theater Mode is a feature that is brand new to the Call of Duty franchise, and one that is extremely valuable, entertaining and interactive. Theater gives you a chance to save screenshots and video clips from your finest moments in Black Ops, and publish them to YouTube or view them in My Theater in Call of Duty’s Theater Beta.
There are many features and options available in Theater Mode, and we’re here to bring you all that you need to know when using this great new feature.

Step One, Play The Game

The first step, of course, is to play Black Ops in competitive online multiplayer and keep your eyes out for some of your finer moments, whether that means going 20 – 2 on your first night out (we’re looking at you Kyle) or just getting a rather satisfactory Tomahawk Humiliation during a match of Sticks & Stones. Once you feel that you have a match that you’d like to dissect, you are ready to jump into Theater Mode.

Step Two, Dissecting Your Matches

From the multiplayer menu, select to play online and choose Theater from the bottom of that list. You will be taken to the Theater Menu. Here you can access your file share, view clips, check out clips and screenshots submitted by the community, render clips, access your playercard and switch to a different lobby. For the purpose of this guide, we will be reviewing a match and taking both a video clip and a screenshot from it.
Select My Recent Games, and select the game that you’d like to review in Theater. It will give a list of options:
  • Select for Playback – this option allows you to review the clip in Theater mode.
  • Place in My File Share – this will let you place the entire match in your file share, for other players to view.
For this purpose, we’ll be choosing Select for Playback. The clip will load, and when completed, select Start Film and the match will load.
The Controls
When the match loads, you are given a control panel at the bottom of the screen. Here we will run through how those controls work. For this demonstration, we used Theater on a PlayStation 3. We will try to make the controls clear for any platform, however.
  • The meter in the center of the control panel lists the time of the match from start to finish.
  • On the left hand side of the control panel is the button for switching your camera type. The choices are 1st person, 3rd person and free cam. 1st and 3rd are fairly self-explanatory and free cam simply allows you to move the camera freely about the match, focusing on any player and any area of the map, regardless of where your own player is located.
  • Next to the camera selection are the buttons for moving back a chapter, fast forwarding, playing and pausing the match and moving forward a chapter.
  • Next are the controls to record a clip, and to take a screenshot, respectively.
  • Above the control panel are the buttons for toggling the control panel to appear on or off, and to control whether or not the HUD displays. Note that the HUD includes player name indicators and killfeed as well as the rest of the HUD areas.

Now that you are accustomed to the controls, and their functions, we’ll take a screenshot and a video clip.
Taking a Screenshot
To take a screenshot is very simple, it is capturing the perfect moment that takes some skill. From personal experience, free cam usually produces the best screenshots but 1st and 3rd will definitely have their moments so be aware of what you are trying to capture with your screenshot and which camera type works best for that moment.
Once you have the camera centered on the screenshot you’d like taken, simply press and hold the Screenshot button. A blue meter will display on the screen, and then you will be given the option to save your screenshot or discard. Select Save and give your image a name, description and a tag.

After you have put in that information, select continue and choose a slot in your file share for your screenshot. The image will be uploaded to your file share, and you will be taken back to the match. Below we have two screenshots taken in Theater, one taken with the HUD enabled and the other with it disabled.

Taking a Video Clip
Taking a video clip is very simple, as well, and can be any length but bear in mind that you can only render 30 second clips. So, if you plan on viewing the video on YouTube or in My Theater, they will have to be 30 seconds long or less.
To take a video, first have your match paused where you would like to begin the clip. Then press the record button, the word “record” will be highlighted in red, indicating to you that it is armed for recording. Press the play button, and your clip will begin to be recorded. When you are finished recording, simply pause the clip and hit record again. This will give you the chance to name your clip, preview it, discard it or continue. Hit the button to continue and then press start and select Upload Clip. Select continue and choose a space in your file share to upload to. We’ll touch on Rendering a clip later in the guide. Below is a clip, taken from Theater. Big thanks to our writer Adam, for providing the clip. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel for some really great Call of Duty videos, including a phenomenal booster hunting video from Modern Warfare 2.

Managing Segments Theater mode gives you an in-match Segment editor, for joining together multiple clips. Simple hit start, select Manage Segments and you can access the editor. Managing segments is only useful when you want to join multiple clips from one match together. After you have recorded a few clips, go into the segment manager. From here you can move segments, simply by selecting the segment and moving it to the place of another segment, and choose which transition should be shown between clips. The choices are a simple cut to the next clip, or fade into it.
Rendering Clips
Heading back to the Theater menu, we will show you how to render a 30 second clip. Access your File Share, and select the clip you wish to render. Choose that clip and hit Select for Playback. Now select Render Clip and Theater will do the rest. After it has finished rendering, the file should be available in My Theater online.

Step 3, Accessing your Content Online

The first step in putting your stuff online, is to create an account over at Call of Duty’s official website. Then head over to Theater Beta, and login. From there you will have the chance to link to your YouTube account and to download your screenshots. You can also view your videos in My Theater. At the time of this writing, Theater is still in beta and videos are not being uploaded flawlessly. Stick with it, though, because Treyarch is actively working to get Theater bug free and out of beta.

Hopefully now, you have a solid understanding of the basic functions in Theater mode and can safely create a video, join clips together for a montage, take a sharp looking screenshot and upload your content to Theater website. Good luck to you, and we look forward to seeing some quality videos and screenshots online! Head over to the forum sometime, and share your master works with the rest of us!
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